植物曼陀罗笔记 (Plant Mandala Journal)

Journal | Plant Heroes

植物曼陀罗笔记 (Plant Mandala Journal)

Download our free printable Chinese version on our Plant Mandala Journal. The process of creating a plant mandala will help learners observe details about plants that are helpful for plant identification. Often used as focus technique while meditating, making mandalas can also be used to practice mindfulness. Using the Plant Mandala Journal, learners will create a plant mandala and reflect upon the process. 

This journal can be used in all seasons both outside and inside.

Also available in select languages:  English | Spanish 

blank white coloring sheet of a plant mandala

Homeprint also available in select languages:  English | Spanish

Homeprinting diagram
Nate on Comics


Colorful comics expose learners to science stories alongside the Plant Heroes.